Big Data Creates Inequalities

Only the largest corporations, best-endowed universities, and rich governments can afford data collection and processing capacities that are large enough to harness the advantages of AI.

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Big data that works for all

  • No matter how big is the problem or how small is your team, `Reprex` fill your reports, dashboards, newsletters, books with data and its visualization.

  • Learn R with us: you can reduce the inequalities by joining the open source movement, learning to run open source software, ask for help, improve the tutorials, the documentation, and eventually learn to make the computer work for you.

  • Contributor Covenant: Participating in open source is often a highly collaborative experience. We’re encouraged to create in public view, and we’re incentivized to welcome contributions of all kinds from people around the world. This makes the practice of open source as much social as it is technical.

Get Inspired

  • Find more interesting and better data: you don’t have to be a data scientist or write code to contribute to our projects.
  • Data feminism: Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein present a new way of thinking about data science and data ethics—one that is informed by intersectional feminist thought. Highly inspirational, free, open-source book.
  • RLadies is a world-wide organization to promote gender diversity in the R community.

Contributor Covenant

  • We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

  • We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

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Documentation for better tutorials

Debugging and testing code

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R is a functional language

  • R is both a statistical environment and a programming language
  • R, the open source and further developed version of the S language, is mainly functional
  • If you did a task at least twice, the 3rd time you better write a function script to keep doing it forever.
  • Most of your effort will be to find a well-written function for your work
  • If you cannot find a function, you will modify somebody else’s function, or eventually write your own

R + YAML + markdown = web ready

Package and release: a team effort

Our open source development projects

🔢 dataset: Synchronize datasets with global knowledge hubs #️⃣ statcodelists: Make your data codes understood globally ♻️ iotables: Create economic or environmental impact assessments in any EU country 🌍 regions: Create from raw survey data more granular statistics in any EU country ✅ retroharmonize: Harmonize questions banks, recycle answers from past surveys ⏭️ all in on one page

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