Looking for Horizon Europe Consortium Partners
Towards a competitive, fair and sustainable European music ecosystem
We are looking for partners for the Horizon Europe call Towards a competitive, fair and sustainable European music ecosystem.
Our Digital Music Observatory grew out of a 12-country music data cooperation and has hundreds of indicators—most of them never used by scientific researchers. We are looking for scientific partners in various applied music research disciplines to use, and further develop our data within the framework of the Horizon Europe call, as well as the Music Moves Europe policy framework.
We are particularly interested in working with researchers on the following topics:
- Measuring local content in streaming and broadcasting with measurable definitions of local or national music (similar to radio quotas in Europe.)
- Applying the Open Policy Analysis framework for evidence-based music policies with cultural policy researchers or practitioners.
- Researchers with a quantitative music sociology/ethnomusicological background for measuring music’s contribution to well-being.
- Cultural economists familiar with the assessment of direct, indirect, and multiplied economic effects, and/or creating and working with satellite accounts to national accounts. We also welcome interest from cultural statistics practitioners and researchers interested in exploring quantitative approaches to music.
What Do We Offer To Scientific Partners?
We provide exclusive scientific access to highly valuable quantitative datasets in music, particularly nationally representative audience surveys, nationally representative music creator surveys, and large music streaming data. We provide know-how and data science infrastructure that facilitates data collection via surveys or big data by utilizing pre-existing open science or open government sources.
We will provide researchers with data according to their needs, and make sure that their quantitative research will have the best scientific and policy impact. Our goal is to ensure our datasets meet higher quality standards than governmental statistics, and that they are the most findable open science resources in music globally.
What Do We Offer To Policy Partners?
We want to demonstrate that we apply world-class research and the best and most data available to solve policy problems. If you bring your policy problem into an open collaboration with our Digital Music Observatory, you can rely on the expertise of eminent researchers in the field of economics, law, royalty finance, statistics, and valuable data. We want to demonstrate that we can offer the best value for money in data.
We believe that our offering is particularly valuable for music policy organizations who would like to be actively involved in the shaping of the future Feasibility Study For The Establishment Of A European Music Observatory. Our Digital Music Observatory already contains much of the data gaps identified by stakeholders. We have 7 years of working experience in the music industry, and we are familiar with data sharing and data governance solutions that manage well the conflicts of interests and strategic worries of the industry.
What Do We Offer To Industry Partners?
Our observatory follows the agile open collaboration method from open-source software development, and it has a triangular approach. We believe that data which is created by peer-reviewed, open Algorithms, and thus open for review from the business, policy and scientific community is the best addition to your business proprietary data. By sharing data with us, we can build world-class KPIs that give you a competitive edge in the data-driven music industry.