Annex 1 - Stakeholder profile data sheet for the Observatory Stakeholder Network

Name of the stakeholder:

Legal status of the stakeholder:

Logo or icon of the stakeholder:

Online contact details of the stakeholder:

Permanent residence or seat of the stakeholder:

Official email address of the stakeholder:

Contact telephone number of the stakeholder:

For the intake, we will also ask for a few lines of statement of interest in the Observatory Stakeholder Network and topic interests for data if they apply. We will make this information public, too.

We are also happy to create an intake interview and publish it on our website to allow the members of the Observatory Stakeholder Network to get familiar with each others ideas and interests.


We will provide in the final deliverable a link for the official intake to the stakeholder network. I would like to invite SOZA, Hudobné centrum, Aloaded, and HearDis! as first partners.

Open Music Data Exchange


This advisory body will not be open for invitations. The representative pan-European stakeholders can nominate here their technical providers to consult the technical aspects of data exchange.